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NSF-MRI - Acquisition of a Dual Source Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer to Advance Research in Rhode Island and the Southern New England Region

Thanks to support from the NSF and Brown University, we will be purchasing a new, state-of-the-art microfocus source X-ray diffractometer that will allow us and others in the region to collect data on small X-ray samples. Our instrument and facility page will be coming online in the next few months, but in the meantime, please reach out to Professor Robinson (Jerome) if you have samples. We're looking forward to connecting researchers across the partnering institutions, and all of the great science that will come.

The moment has arrived - we finally received our new SC-XRD. The instrument features duo microfocus sources (Cu and Mo), a high-sensitivity Photon III detector, and variable temperature capabilities! More on this to follow, but for interested users (internal and external), please reach out to Professor Robinson.

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© 2023, Jerome R. Robinson.

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